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Alexandrine English sonnet Horatian ode Italian sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Pindaric ode Sapphic ode Shakespearean sonnet accent accentuation alba alliterate alliteration amphibrach amphimacer anacreontic anacrusis anapest antispast arsis assonance assonate bacchius balada ballad ballade beat bucolic cadence caesura canso cap verses catalexis change ringing chanson chime chiming chink chinking chloriamb chloriambus clack clang clanging clangor clank clanking clatter clerihew clink clinking colon counterpoint cretic dactyl dactylic hexameter diaeresis dimeter ding ding-a-ling dingdong dinging dingle dipody dirge dithyramb ditty dochmiac doggerel dong donging drone eclogue elegiac elegiac couplet elegiac pentameter elegy emphasis epic epigram epithalamium epitrite epode epopee epopoeia epos feminine caesura foot georgic ghazel gong haiku harping heptameter heptapody heroic couplet hexameter hexapody humdrum iamb iambic iambic pentameter ictus idyll ionic jangle jingle-jangle jinglejangle jingling knell knelling lilt limerick lyric madrigal masculine caesura measure melody meter metrical accent metrical foot metrical group metrical unit metron molossus monody monotone monotony mora movement narrative poem near rhyme numbers nursery rhyme ode paeon palinode paronomasia pastoral pastoral elegy pastorela pastourelle peal peal ringing pealing pentameter pentapody period pitter-patter poem proceleusmatic prothalamium pun pyrrhic quantity rattle repeated sounds repetitiousness repetitiveness rhyme rhythm ring ring changes ringing rondeau rondel roundel roundelay satire scan sestina singsong slant rhyme sloka song sonnet sonnet sequence sound sound a knell spondee sprung rhythm stale repetition stress swing syzygy tanka tedium tenso tenzone tetrameter tetrapody tetraseme thesis threnody ting ting-a-ling tingle tingling tink tinkle tinkling tinnitus tintinnabulate toll tolling tribrach trimeter triolet tripody triseme trochee trot troubadour poem tune unnecessary repetition verse verselet versicle villanelle virelay


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